HappyFarm Growing Sexy Starups: panel discussion with Tristan Kromer and Vitaliy Golomb

20130527 HappyFarm Growing Sexy Starups: panel discussion with Tristan Kromer and Vitaliy Golomb
  • Tristan Kromer
    • http://www.happyfarm.com.ua/bi/mentors/advisors/tristan-kromer/
    • http://www.linkedin.com/in/tristankromer
    • when talking about startups - ninjas, rockstarts and gurus - are bullshit
    • tech industry
      • I've been into music industry - similar to tech.
      • some people are rockstarts and they know how the sound should be like
      • in order to be successful you need
        • technical cofounder - a drumer in music
        • a wrap - connection to venture
      • startup is like music industry - people don't want to earn money - they want to be famous
      • they think I get an idea - if they would hear it - everybody would love it.
        • give up the idea of rockstars
        • Rockstart beleive their solution is best - if only people would see it.
          • they fail.
      • can we solve a real problem for real people
      • can we stop building another button? (check in)
      • I'm done building tech for rich white people
      • I whish we would focus on users and help them to solve problems, rather than technical solution.
      • Be passionate not about the tech - be passionate about the people that would use the tech
  • Vitaliy Golomb
    • http://www.happyfarm.com.ua/bi/mentors/advisors/vitaliy-golomb/
    • http://www.linkedin.com/in/vitalyg
    • designer, founder, mentor
    • Steve blank said - silicon valley is new Holywood
    • it is fashionable to do a sexy startups
    • at the end of the day startup is a business
    • much more interesting to solve problems people would be willing to pay for.
      • that's really sexy - that's innovation.
    • had grown up in silicon walley
      • first thing was constructing BBS systems
      • got an opportunity to be paragraph international
        • powering the apple newton software recognition
        • got and opportunity to show great tech at age of 13
    • you are a product of your environment
    • now ist is fashionable to do a startup
      • you don't do a stratup - you build a business
      • you must create value
    • it's not about fortune
      • it's about wannabies going for fame
    • this is your one chance - you will be focusing on it for several years
    • absorb as much as you can - think about problems you know best
    • try to find a problem you can solve the best.
  • I don't know how to grow sexy startups - I know how to grow unsexy, but profitable
    • Sexy for whom? Customers!
  • Questions
    • How often you meet unique projects?
      • we often hear it's difficult to find unique idea.
      • the answer is - the solutions ARE generally unique
      • for any idea you can possibly have somebody else who have the same one.
      • it's ALL ABOUT execution
        • idea
        • team
        • this would be unique
      • a greek phylosopher said - there are no new ideas
      • can be compared to holywood - only several film ideas that go around
      • box.com was first to talk about cloud storage, but dropbox came. it's about different ingridients you use to solve the problem
      • there is no way you can beat a big companies in their own way - they would outspend you in a moment - you have to come at a problem at a completely different way. you have to find much better way to solve. you have to think how to be better.
      • somebody came and say I would build a social network
        • would you beat facebook? no.
        • you come to the problem completely different way
        • you can do it again and again.
      • if you had found an idea and you had not found someone working on it - eithere there is no market or
    • Let's imagine you are doing an app. what is the main battle that you would do while producing design for it application?
      • think - what's your problem? who's your customer?
        • how long people have been working on it
        • who work on it?
        • who esle kicks who's ass?
      • a customer is an average person...
        • an average customer does not care!
        • you have to think about people who are DESPERATE
      • we can do something
        • how many people are on your team?
          • we have a team of two
        • how many teams of two are there in big players?
        • why you are better than them?
      • you have to find better angle!
      • you have to find completely different way to use tech.
      • a correct answer - we have a better understanding of users than they do.
    • if you are from exSoviet and you have a startup what are you chance to success? Is it valuable to go to San Francisco and work there? How much percentage of success you get if you are international?
      • if you want to be an actor you move to LA
      • 2/3 of the venture capital are accumulated in SV
      • outside of Valley you have a network to people who can help you to build
      • The idea to get global in States comes from the point that USA generates 25% of GDP
        • China is another option GDP generator - you can start in china.
        • Do you speak chinese?
      • You can prove the business locally - then go global.
      • It's easier from Eastern Europe to go to Western Europe - than US.
      • You can be very good here - you'd be average there (in Silicon Valley)
        • if may be a lot harder for companies to operate from there.
        • it would definitely cost much more.
      • you have to come - check them
        • go to conferences
        • meet people
        • talk to people
      • the truth is - it's very competitive - that's best of the best accumulated in one place
      • you have to have a REAL reason to go there.
    • What is the main idea of design driven development?
      • design goes first
      • design is not about being visual - it's about problem solving - not the art.
      • everything goes back to - who's the customer - what's the problem.
    • Venture summit in Ukraine - in December?
      • we putting on the conference in Ukraine - bring a lot of people to look for Eastern Europe
      • Europe is stagnating - the growth in Europe would come from the East
      • there are 300million russian speakers
      • Some unique things for exUSSR.
        • Ecosystem is growing.
        • Credit Card penetration is growing.
        • Broadband.
        • Lots of engineers.
      • Market is growing
        • Investors would come
        • it won't happen in a year - nor in two
      • our goal is to start the ecosystem.
        • bring the mentors
        • then teach western europeans, who would want to learn, about the market.